The Ruoss Crew

Feel free to laugh at us....not just with us!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


OK, the countdown is over. Today is the BIG day. Six years ago today, God blessed us with our third child. Lillian Grace Ruoss was born at Condell Medical Center and has been a blessing ever since. Last night while swimming at the YMCA, she decided it was time to start going under (a big step for someone who don't like water in her eyes).


Monday, February 23, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes aka How to Embarrass Mom

Saturday was our monthly family get together to celebrate the birthdays and anniversaries of the month. This month was Lily's birthday, so she was really excited about what she might receive.

Before the get together, my grandmother let me know that she had bought Lily a new sweater with fur on the hood and a Dora the Explorer book bag.

Now, Lily decided about three months ago that she no longer wanted to be associated with anything Dora and that the Dora show along with Diego and Wiggles were "for babies" (and she will let you know she is not one!).

So, before she opened her presents I took a second to whisper in her ear "Lily, if you get something 'Dora', remember to smile and thank them anyway. You don't have to tell them you don't like it." She did a great job while opening the present and looked so happy and said thank you like a little lady.

Later, my grandmother said "Lily, I got that bag just because I know how much you like Dora!". Lily's response was "I don't like Dora at all but my mom said I had to pretend to like it!". Luckily, my grandmother is almost deaf.

I guess that's what I get for trying to get my kid to lie (although I didn't really think tell her to lie and say she liked it...more just being polite and saying thanks).

That child is going to be the DEATH of me.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Should have posted sooner.

Maybe I should have posted about Hannah's team earlier. They won their second match Wednesday. The joy and excitement continues.

OH, and in case you are following: FIVE more days.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hannah recently started playing vollyball on her school's 6th & 7th grade team the Gavin Tigers. Each match they play consists of 3 games and the team to win the best 2 out of 3 games wins the match. Unfortunately, the Tigers (much like the Chi. Cubs) have not had a good season. They have won only one game during each of their past matches. Yesterday Hannah got REALLY excited because they won their first match.
All I can say is WAY TO GO TIGERS! Keep up the good work.

FYI: Hannah doesn't mind the losses because she has a BLAST playing.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Eight Days

As Lily puts it: Only eight more days. I can't understand why she is getting so excited.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

12 Days and Counting

Just 12 more days (Lily makes sure I know) and counting.