The Ruoss Crew

Feel free to laugh at us....not just with us!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Tin Grin - Metal Mouth - Tin Teeth - Brace Face - Quick Silver

Hannah got braces this week!

She actually only had to get them on bottom which was a big surprise. She was thrilled because the original plan was to pull four teeth (because they never developed adult teeth) and then put braces on top and bottom. BUT...when we got to the orthodontist, he did another x-ray and discovered that the top two teeth finally started developing adult teeth over the last year. So, we got away with half the braces (and half the cost!). She was very happy not to have teeth pulled. She was even more happy to get to choose the color of her braces (purple) and was excited that she will be able to change the color almost monthly.

Jacob and Kermit were trying to list off all of the foods she cannot eat. Jake said "I know one thing she can't eat...tin foil!" We all cringed at the thought of tin foil touching our fillings. Yikes, it gives me shivers even now!

Anyway, Hannah is feeling fine. Just a few twinges of pain here and there.