Update on My Grandfather
As Kermit updated, they gave my grandfather a temp pacemaker on Saturday morning. By Sunday morning, it was already not working to the full capacity that he needs. He has gotten to the point that the pacemaker is needing to work 6-8 times a minute. He also has developed a touch of pneumonia. They tried to wean him a bit from the ventilator. He was not able to keep up his breathing on his own, so he remains on it today. They have kept him somewhat sedated with his arms restrained so that he does not try to pull out his tubes. This is hard for us all to see since my grandfather is a very proud man that would never want to be seen in such a frail, helpless state. This morning they are going to put in a permanent pacemaker. At this point our prayer is that they Lord would either heal him or take him home. As difficult as this is for all of us to pray, we would much rather him be in the presence of Jesus than here with us suffering.
We KNOW that God's love for my grandfather is beyond measure and that He has his very best interest in mind, no matter what is happening. Pray that God's perfect will will be done in this situation.
Also pray that the Lord would continue use the situation to allow us to minister to others inside and outside of the family. We have already had the opportunity to share Christ with others who have family in the Critical Care Unit. Pray that the difficulty of this situation would also draw unsaved family members to the ultimate comforter, Jesus Christ.