Update on Candy's Dad
Thanks to everyone who has been praying. John's surgery went well today. When they doctors got into his leg, they saw that the infection on the bone itself was only superficial, which was great news. He will still need plastic surgery to cover the hole that the infection has left behind, but this is much better than bone grafts or removing the prosthetic knee. Please continue to keep him and my grandfather (Malvis) in your prayers.
On a lighter note, we are constantly entertained by our kids. Today, as I was taking Lily to the sitter, she started quoting lines from a bizarre Weird Al song that she has heard a few times. The fact that a three year old was quoting the lyrics was funny enough, but the fact that she actually understood the humor in what she was saying really got to to me. When we got to the sitter's, Lily saw jack-o-lanterns on the porch and said "Look mom, pumpkins. What do you think those are made of?" As I'm typing, I realize that the humor of the moment is lost in the translation to those of you reading this, but trust me, at the time it was really funny.
Right now I am listening to Hannah practice the trumpet. Mind you, she has only been playing for a month, which should tell you everything you need to know. But she is playing with gusto...I am telling myself that's all that matters.
As I type and listen to Hannah, Jake is avoiding working on his Spanish project. Since when do you start taking Spanish in the 6th grade? Sign of the times, I guess. Scary piece of info for Jake. We bought him new shoes yesterday... a MEN'S SIZE 9!!! He has now officially passed up his father in shoe size.
Great news.
I'm so glad you guys are blogging!
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