Welcome Home, Jake
Jake made it home last night around 9pm. Saying that he was wound up with excitement would be an extreme understatement. He spent a few hours showing us everything he had purchased (his favorite was a full size Canadian flag) and telling us everything he did. My favorite part was when he said "Mom, they shouldn't just call it World Changers, they should call it Life Changers because you really get a lot closer to God while you are there". He then told us all about their nightly worship services and their Tuesday night 'concert of prayer'. He was excited to tell us about spackling, painting, landscaping and spreading concrete. All in all, he had a fantastic time and can't wait to go again. Rumor has it that next year's trip may be to Alaska. I may just have to be team leader on that one : )
Hannah and Lily are thrilled to have him home. Lily, because he is her best brother. Hannah because 'everything is boring without Jacob'.
Mom and dad are happy to have him home and thankful for all that he has learned and experienced over the course of a week. We pray that he carries it with him and continues to grow.