The Ruoss Crew

Feel free to laugh at us....not just with us!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Great Job, Jake!

Jacob completed his 50 mile bike ride yesterday! He came home a little tired, road weary and covered in gear grease, but very excited about the fact that he had finished. He had to change a flat before they even got started because he had over-inflated his tire while it was still cold and had some gear issues but all in all it was a good ride. His highlight was stopping at McDonald's and eating a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese and a medium fry. He enjoyed telling us about this because he knows that he would never be allowed to order that under normal circumstances! Anyway.....GREAT JOB JAKE!!!! WE'RE PROUD OF YOU!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

6 Days, 1 Hour and Counting!

Tonight we attended Jacob's awards night at school. He received an award for perfect attendance and for his work in the Art Club. Everything was great...until we got home. So J-Man has been having some difficulty at school. Same old story..."Jacob is so intelligent, he just doesn't want to do his work" or "He could make all A's with his eyes closed, but he just doesn't care" or (my personal favorite) "He is so smart that he is just too bored at school". These are all statements we have heard from his teachers every year since he was in Kindergarten (he despised school even then).

Well, I have been doing some random checking of his work and thought tonight would be a great night to review some of his work. I reviewed his science paper and thought I would share some of his 'creative' answers. Below are some of the questions and his actual responses.

1. Why are space probes so useful? They just are.
2. The first probe to land on Venus was ____? The first one.
3. Which probe mapped 98% of the surface of Venus? The mapping probe.
4. How is Venus similar to Earth? It just is.
5. What did Sojourner do? Surrender

I only have one thing to say.... 6 days and 1 hour left....I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Special Day

This is a special shout out to the one who gave me life, nurtured me, fed me, clothed me, and tried to give me advice although being the standard hard head I am I didn't listen. But most of all, she gave me love and now it is time to continue to give it back to her.