Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Ok, so it's a little late for the Merry Christmas, but we still have the 'Christmas Spirit', so I can get away with saying it a bit late! This month has been crazy with all of the holiday preparations, church services, piano parties, Scouts, etc. We have also all been battling a cold that settles into laryngitis. Imagine our house full of people who can't talk!
The weather cooperated for Christmas as we have been white all month. It seemed like it was all going to melt before Christmas, but we still had enough around. Yesterday was another snow day with about 6 inches. It was the type that clings onto every single branch and twig of every tree. Absolutely gorgeous!
We all had a fantastic Christmas Eve/Day. Christmas Eve Candy's brother and his family and her sister and her family came over along with her Grandmother. We all ate, then went to church and then returned home to open presents. It was a great night of family fellowship. On Christmas Day, the kids awoke to find that Santa had visited and brought them things that they never expected to receive. It was a fun day of relaxing and playing with the kids.
Jacob was excited this year to receive a Playstation 2 and the Lego Star Wars game. He never expected to receive this as he knows we are pretty strict about how much time he spends on electronic entertainment. He also got the Nerf Longshot (that thing hurts!) and a Lego set that he has been wanting. He was also excited about the cash and gift cards he received.
Hannah received her very first (and probably only!) American Girl Doll. Candy's brother in law was working in their call center over the holidays and was able to get a hefty discount : ) She also got the Spot Maker that she has been asking for. She was probably most excited about the iPod Shuffle she received from Candy's sister.
Lily was delighted that Santa brought her the Belle Tea Party doll. This doll sips pretend tea with you and sings an annoying song over and over about how you are invited to have tea with her. Did I ever mention that I don't like toys that sing? Anyway, she also got her own sleeping bag, art supplies and Barbie. She was actually just as excited about the clothes she received (she is very fashion conscious and is particular about matching her clothes, etc.). She also learned that Santa does not always bring what you ask for. She insisted that she was getting the Dora the Explorer Kitchen because it was on her list. We had many conversations about not needing another kitchen because she already had one. She felt like Santa would take her old one to a little girl that didn't have one and give her a new one. I guess sometimes we have to learn lessons the hard way!
We have both taken off a lot of time over the last two weeks to spend time with the kids. It has been so great to just play with them and not have to worry about homework, bedtimes, etc. They are a lot of fun (most of the time!).
We pray that you have all had a fantastic Christmas Season and that you have a blessed 2008!