Catching Up
So it has definitely been awhile. We have had so much going on that we have not taken then time to write. I figured I couldn't put it off anymore!
We had a great time on our trip South. The first two days we were able to spend time in Birmingham with our friends the McGraw family. We first met them when we lived in Marietta. We like to say they were our first adult friends. Anyway, it had been years since we had seen each other so it was great to catch up. They had two boys that we had never met in person and they really got along well with our three hooligans. We can't wait until we get a chance to see them again. Brian and Amanda, thanks for you hospitality, we can't wait to do it again. We love you guys!
On our way from Birmingham to Mississippi, we made a short stop in Carbon Hill to see my best friend Michelle. I say best friend because she has been my best friend since 8th grade. Even though we have lived hundreds of miles apart for the past 12 years, we can still pick up right where we left off whenever we talk. She knows me better than just about anybody. She and her husband Shane have a beautiful daughter Lauren that I got to meet for the first time. Michelle, we have to make sure it is not so long until the next time!
We then spent several days in Mississippi with Kermit's mom and sister. His brother's family came up for a day, too. We had a great time visiting and catching up with everyone. By the time we left we had worn Kermit's poor mom out and she got sick. While we were there, Jake got to go to an arena football game. He had pictures taken with some of the players after the game. He was pretty grossed out because they were so sweaty and put their arms around him to get pictures made. He had a lot of fun. Thanks, Grandpa J!
Of course, we also went to Kermit's reunion. It was interesting seeing folks we had not seen in so long. Some looked exactly like they did in high school (big hair and all) and some you would have never recognized. Everyone commented on how grown up Kermit looked. I have to say, I had forgotten what a baby face Kermit had in high school. They quickly had us remember, though, by giving him a name tag with his senior picture on it. I'll have to get it posted soon and let it speak for itself. But I digress...We had a great time and were glad we took the time to go.
Since we have been home, we have been working on our bathroom remodel (STILL!) and hope to have it finished soon. We have also been pretty busy at church. Kermit is the chairman of the facilities committee. We were having new carpet laid in the church so he had to oversee the men of the church pulling the old carpet out and then the new carpet getting put down. It looks fantastic, but was a long, tiring process for the K man. Next weekend he gets to oversee the youth painting the fellowship hall....have fun with that!
Hannah had another band concert this week. She had another solo and did fabulously. Next week she has her very first piano recital. She is really excited about it. She will be playing 'Ode to Joy' and 'Holy, Holy, Holy'.
Jake started and finished track. He decided he likes running short distances and the longer runs are just too hard. He enjoyed the experience and hopes to do it again next year. He will be going on a camp-out next weekend with the Scouts. He should be able to finish up two pesky requirements that have been keeping him from advancing in rank for the last six months. He is excited about the chance to finally be Second Class.
Lily has been enjoying the warmer weather. She has been playing outside everyday with the neighbor kids. That child can get dirty faster than any other kid I have ever seen! She is like a dirt magnet and it always gets attracted to her face. If people didn't know us better they would think we didn't have running water.
Anyway, going to wrap up. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I need to get in bed since we will be going to church with my grandmother tomorrow. I'll try to get some pictures from our trip up soon.