The Ruoss Crew

Feel free to laugh at us....not just with us!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Another Month Gone

Where does the time go? My mom laughs at me. She always told me that the older you get, the faster it goes. She wasn't kidding and she laughs at me whenever I mention it.

Update on my dad - He finally got over most of the ordeal of his surgery, only to find out that he has to go back this week for another one. Apparently part of the skin graft is dead or overgrown (or something gross like that) and they have to remove that small part and do another graft. Not a huge deal. It will be outpatient and he shouldn't have any set backs from it. I am glad to report that his leg is looking more like it should now. It no longer looks like 'a puss covered pancreas stapled to his leg' like Jacob said it did. Nice, I know, but remember, he's a 12 year old boy.

Speaking of Jake, he had a great time at camp. He got his Weather, Archery, Metal Works and one other merit badges. He has a few more requirements to complete on Pottery and Environmental Science. He also just has to go shooting one more time to complete his rifle. He really enjoyed learning how to shoot but said it was much more difficult than he thought because they have to do it the old fashioned way (no scopes, etc). At the end of the month he helped out with VBS at church. He was the teacher's helper for the 1st and 2nd graders and presented their missions lesson each night. He is NOT looking forward to starting school next week.

Hannah has been practicing her piano and has most recently learned to play 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' and (as a tribute to Napolean Dynamite) "The Rose". She has also been helping me out around the house and still learning to cook. She has also learned a few new card games that she loves to teach to anyone that will give her half the chance. She CAN'T WAIT for school to start next week.

Lily is glad to have her Papa back taking care of her. She loves her Ms. Kristy (our former nanny that watched her while my dad was off his feet), but she and Papa are buddies and she was getting a bit off kilter without him. She has been full of herself lately and has been going through a band-aid phase. If you even look at her wrong she will need a band-aid for the damage you caused her. She also bit Hannah the other day. Mind you, the child is 4 years old and has NEVER bitten anyone in the past. I just attribute it to all the upheaval with my dad and everything that is normal to her being turned upside down.

Kermit starts school next week. He took the spring semester off, so he is really ready to get back into things. He has also been pretty busy at church. This past weekend he was helping to pour a foundation for a new shed. Oh yeah...I never mentioned how he did with leading the VBS songs....FABULOUSLY! The music this year was really good and he really got into it. The kids really respond to him because he doesn't feel the need to be 'all grown up'. They had a great time following along with him. Thanks again, K-Man!

I have been working and doing church 'stuff '. I am currently on a committee that is rewriting the church constitution and bylaws. I will really be glad when this is complete! I was also directing VBS, so that took up a good bit of time. Now it's time to switch gears to AWANA. Seems like it never ends, but I wouldn't have it any other way : ) Oh, yeah! And I just found out that my older sister is pregnant and due next March! When the baby arrives she will have an 18 year old, a 7 year old and a newborn. We are thrilled!

Some other updates:

Kermit's step-dad, Jim - has found a job! It is 45 minutes closer to home than the one he lost which is a huge blessing. Thank you, Lord!

Daniel and Tina - were able to return to the US with their new son, Justice. He is such a doll! They are enjoying spending time with family while waiting on news of whether or not they can return to Irian Jaya. Please pray for their swift return to the people they love so dearly.

Diane (my friend Amanda's mom) - was finally able to leave the hospital. It was really touch and go for awhile and she was in the hospital for several months. She is now recuperating but is still in need of healing (as far as I know still on the wait list for a kidney). Please continue to pray for her health. Also pray for Amanda as she cares for her mother and for Brian as he holds things together at home while Amanda is away.

Matt and Lina - ok, so this one is not an update but a new prayer request. Matt and Lina are some friends of mine that I met at work. They are married and have two little sweeties Samuel and Rebecca. They have committed to going to the mission field in Mexico and are in the process of raising funds to go. Please pray that the Lord will help them 'discover' the needed resources so they can begin the work of spreading the Good News!

Kristy Meyer and Family - alright, this one is new too. Kristy is one of my close friends that will be moving to New Mexico next week. Please pray as she and her family move to a completely new area where they don't know anyone. Please especially pray that she and her family will quickly find a bible preaching church to plug into so that they can have the support they need. I love you Kris and will miss you terribly!

Ok, that's it for now. I guess if I would update this thing more than once a month I might not have to put so much in at once...but I am not promising anything!


At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This update was so interesting(as all are). I love to read about the grands. Yes...I think Lilly just needs to settle back in. You guys are wonderful in all the things you do. I especially think you are WONDERFUL and very loving parents...and I mean that from my heart. I thank the Lord for the wonderful turn around in your lives. I miss you terribly but know all of you are doing great there and I wouldn't want it any other way. Will say a prayer for John and I do hope this graft will heal like it should. Tell him we think of him.
I love you guys!!!


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