The Ruoss Crew

Feel free to laugh at us....not just with us!

Sunday, July 08, 2007


Thanks for all those who have contacted me about my dad. He had muscle flap surgery last Monday where they took a long strip of muscle from around his ankle, sliced all the way up the back of his leg and around to the front. They had to leave it open to keep an eye on the color, etc (yuck). On Thursday they let him know that his labs had come back and that he had MRSA (this is the same strain of Staph that my grandfather had last year). They are pretty convinced they can get rid of it and went ahead and did his skin graft on Friday. That's when things started getting interesting. Friday evening my mom noticed that he was bleeding a lot. They called the nurse and they sent him back to surgery thinking he just needed a few more stitches. Well, turns out that wasn't the root of the problem The real problem was that the doctor had given incorrect Rx instructions and had him on two blood thinners at the same time (Heprin and Plavix). This is obviously not good! So, they have been working ever since to get him back on track, get his platelets up, etc. He is pretty week, but other than that, doing ok. Of course, the morphine drip helps : )

Jake left for Scout camp this morning. He was really excited about a few of the merit badges he would be working on this year. He is doing both archery and rifle (among others). Jake with a gun scares me a bit, but they assure me this is a right of passage for all young men. We'll see.

Hannah is looking forward to two weeks without her brother. She and Lily tend to get along a lot better when it is just the two of them, so we will see how it goes.

Lily has been pretty sassy over the last week. Since my dad is in the hospital, she has been staying with our old nanny (SHE'S not old...maybe I should say former nanny). Anyway, she has been having to get up with me at 5:30 and it has taken its toll on her. Hoping she adjusts better this week.

We have finished our bathroom!!! Well, all but the doors, but we knew those would come later. It is much improved over the old one and Kermit is THRILLED to have it done. Now on to the next project!

Please continue to pray for my dad as he is trying to recover. Also pray that he is able to be a witness to those he comes in contact with. His surgeon is not a believer so we are praying that he will see undeniable proof in my father that there is a God and that he comes to salvation.

Also, please pray for Kermit's step-dad, Jim. He lost his job a few weeks ago. Please pray that he finds something quickly and that it is a much better paying job and that it is close to home.

More later!


At 1:12 PM, Blogger Lyrical One said...

I want bathroom pics (trust me, the first time in my life I have ever said that!)Wait, let me specify, so no one gets smart. I want a picture of your unoccupied, remodeled bathroom. This is the downstairs one, right? Has to be an improvement.


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