The Ruoss Crew

Feel free to laugh at us....not just with us!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Gotta Get Back on Track!

So it's been a little while since we posted. Ok, it's been more than awhile! So, sit back because this is going to be LONG.

I keep intending to post, but I wanted to have pictures developed so I could post them out here for you to see. But...I still haven't remembered to get the film developed. Yes, we are still in the stone age...we use film. Hopefully that will change this year, but until it does, we are stuck waiting for me to remember to take the film to Wally World when I shop.

If I had remembered to get them developed, I would be posting a few things including Hannah's 10th birthday slumber party. Yes, Hannah turned 10. It just does not seem possible that she (or I) could be that old! My gray hair reminds me that it is true : ) She had a great time. 9 of her friends from school came. I only expected 5 or so out of her class of 16 girls. I thought I could manage 5 and it would be an intimate little get together. Boy was I WRONG! I never knew girls could be so loud! I guess on some level I knew, but experiencing it was unreal. But it was fun. They had a great time. They did each others hair, ate pizza, laughed, decorated cupcakes, played Dance Revolution (or whatever the one we own is called) and laughed some more until about 1am. Hannah really enjoyed herself. I was thankful when it was over. Kermit just hid the whole time.

Speaking of birthdays, Lily will be 4 in two days. She is very excited because once she turns 4, she can turn 5. That is her whole goal in turn 5 so she can then turn 6. The other day she was making me a pretend meal. She asked what I wanted and I said chicken. She said she didn't have any chicken and that all she had left was weasels. For those who don't know, the Ruoss Crew are all Weird Al fans. Weird Al has an affinity for weasels in his songs (strange but true). So it was funny to see her carrying on the tradition. It was even funnier when she turned around to make my 'food'. As she was 'cooking', Kermit and I heard her making squeaking noises (like a weasel). She then brought me a box that she assured me was full of weasels. The box was jumping and tipping because they were trying to get out (wouldn't you?). As I opened the box, she let me know that the weasels were eating my face (as she made crazy, wild gnawing noises). She is a riot. Well, maybe not to everyone, but if you share our unique and rare sense of humor...she will make you pee your pants!

Jacob is heading off on another Boy Scout campout this weekend. He is working on his 1st Class requirements for cooking. That means he has to plan, shop and prepare the entire menu for the weekend....for the whole troop! Well, not the whole troop (65 kids), just those on the campout (which will be about 30). He is really looking forward to it. He is enjoying Scouts and it has really been good for him. It is hard for mom to let him do some of the things they do (fire, knives and other hazards that boys adore), but he is usually pretty responsible with it, so I hold my breath and turn my head.

Oh...did I mention that we have snow? Well, had snow. The weather has been crazy! For three weeks we didn't get over 10 degrees and dropped to 15 below at night (with wind chills day and night at -30 degrees). We had about a foot of snow during that time. This week we hit 40 degrees two days in a row and all the snow melted. Kermit didn't mind the snow this winter. We finally broke down and bought a snow blower (only took 9 years!). Now when it snows it's like a play day for him because he gets to use his new toy. He has even taught Jacob how to use it (which, once again, terrifies a mother!). I keep reminding him not to put his hands, feet, scarf, head, etc. ect. etc. near the auger. He keeps reminding me that "he knows!" and he is being careful. Once again, I just hold my breath and turn my head. It should comfort me that he only uses it with Kermit's supervision, but, come on now, this is Kermit we are talking about. I still have to remind him not to get too close to the auger. Maybe I am just a control freak....someone may have told me that once before : )

Kermit is reading over my shoulder right now. I told him to stop and to leave the mouse alone. He said I am a total control freak(between my control issues and my perfectionism he often calls me Andria Monk).

Well, I guess that's enough for now. OH, one more thing. Plans for our trip in April are coming along. We will have very limited time but sounds like we are going to be able to see some old (Kermit said this means Brian) friends we haven't seen for awhile, see some family, see our old alma mater and...once some fresh fried pork skins : )

Last thing, I promise (Kermit said don't believe it because I am a preacher's daughter and the words "one more thing" usually mean 20 more minutes). We have a friend that is currently in the hospital in Charlottesville, VA. She just had the first of two brain surgeries to try to cure her epilepsy (very severe case). She went into the hospital two weeks ago and will be in at least until the middle of March. Please pray for her and her family. They have great faith in the GREAT PHYSICIAN and are keeping their focus on Him, but they could use more prayer and encouragement. I have added her blog to my links on the right. Hers is Krissys Journey. Feel free to drop in and leave her a note of encouragement.

Oh yeah, one more thing...just kidding : )


At 9:09 AM, Blogger Lyrical One said...

don't you know that when weasels attack (that would make a great Discovery Channel show "WHEN WEASELS ATTACK!" )your face, you stomp them?(insert Jacob's squeal here!) Yep, we might have a weird sense of humor...and we might share monk-like characteristics.
Wish NC was a little closer to MS. You could come see my new house.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Brian said...

We're counting the days!


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