Today's Events
Today was another difficult day for my grandfather. He was exhausted and cranky and disoriented. He did not recognize me (but, of course, recognized Kermit)and he kept mentioning the ship that he went down on in WW2. He has not been able to eat anything, so the doctors are talking about a feeding tube. All of this is almost more than my grandmother can bear. Watching her talk to him, feed him and wipe his nose today...all like he was younger than Lily...broke my heart. Please continue to lift them both up in prayer.
Jake attended today's Merit Badge Day at Great Lakes Naval Base. He was really excited that he was able to earn his 'Electronics' merit badge. He had to put together his own working circuit board and was thrilled as he told us about learning to use the soldering gun. He has been learning so much in Scouts. He recently earned his 'Citizenship in the Community' badge and is currently working on his 'Citizenship in the Nation' badge. Both are Eagle requirements, so he will be glad to check those off his list. Oh, yeah...this was also report card week. His grades were not bad. Had a couple Cs due to late homework.
Language Arts - B
Math -B
Reading - C
Science - C
Social Studies - B
Spelling - B
PE - A
Hannah had a great week. She earned a 'Gavin Gotcha' (the schools version of a prize)for being the best trumpet player this week (they are all 4th graders so none of them are actually good..not even her) and she also got her report card, which she was really proud of.
Reading - B
Language - B
Spelling - A
Math - A+ (she's Kermit kid!)
Social Studies - A
Science - A
Music and Art - B
Media (computers) - A
PE.....C (she's my kid!)
Oh...and I cannot forget to mention that we got Jake's school pictures back this week. In his own words "I look like I sat on a pineapple!"

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